A good friend from my high school whom I enjoyed hanging out with recently murdered his fiance. I lost contact with him and have no idea what he might of being going through. This guy; in high school was one of the funniest and friendliest people I ever knew. I can only imagine the state of mind, the condition of his spirit and the hopelessness he must have felt to derive at that level. I have no details surrounding what his current living situation might have been but I do understand one thing; "This was my friend."
Years ago another close childhood friend that I spent alot of time with at church and social events ended his teenage years on drugs. Drugs being the destroyer it is claimed his mind. He ended up killing his grandmother in a rage for money to support his habit. The details around the events that caused him to commit this crime are still unknown to me but I do know, "This was my friend."
Okay, enough is enough! How long do we just stand by and watch our friends lives become a headline for the 6:00 news. .Both of my friends will probably spend the rest of their lives in jail. I'm no means excusing what they did because they took life into thier hands and killed. This is my problem, men we have to start confronting one another and stop acting like we don't need help. We are destroying our lives and the lives of our families.I know I have needed help at times and never asked for it. That is pride. I admit I too struggled with pride but when my family suffers because of my selfish ways then its a major problem We must change.
This blog is created to help us men change. We must change our mindsets as it relates to our responsibilities as men. We must change our attitudes about sexual sins and we must change our dysfunctional behavior that keeps us stagnet and unproductive. The WORD OF GOD is the only thing I know that can perfectly change us to be who we are created to be. It is our time.
Brothers, I will use this site to lift up a standard to have real talks and discussions about our ungodly behavior. I am not exempt. I will share the ungodly choices that I willingly participated in for years. I know what it is to feel hopeless, unloved, unmotivated, depressed and sexually confused and frustated. I have been there, Now, I know how to be free form lust, pornography, masturbation, sexual perversions, and rejection. This Godlykings blog is for real! I am here to only do Gods work and that is to destroy the works of the devil. Men we will win and we will do what God has ordained for us to do and become, First, we must start the process of change and that is renewing our minds in the WORD OF GOD. Our brotherhood can be the beginning process to help all of our friends who love God but are caught in the battle. Let's be real friends starting now.
Your Brother In Christ,
Clarence Threatt III
Author and Family Strategist