Since I began this journey of letting everyone know about my struggles with pornography, lust, and masturbation; it's been a journey of the unknowns. Some people have given me praise, some secretly have been listening and watching, and some have responded negatively. I understand this is a very personal issue. When I had my first talk with my pastor years ago; he told me some would get it and some would not but you do what the Lord is telling you. So I have begun to do just that. I am going to do what God is telling me to do and say because so many men love God but are still caught in the battle.
This thing is serious! It is so serious because it affects so many Christian men. Pastors, ministers, church leaders, deacons are all affected. Pew members, tithers and non tithers are affected. The Baptist, Catholics, Pentecostal, Church of God In Christ, Methodist, AME, CME, Holiest, Seventh Day Adventist, and Non denominational are all affected. Men who come to church on a regular basis and men who attend church once or twice a year are affected. They have all been affected by pornography and so many of them right now are addicted to porn. Clarence, how do you know that? I know it because I have been praying for men and friends on facebook. I know because the the Lord spoke to me years ago and said, "My men are attending church on a regular basis and struggling." God let me know years ago that I was not the only one dealing and struggling with my flesh.
So here we go! If you are right now caught in the battle with your flesh and the godly you; that's okay. It's good your fighting but if you don't do things differently you will eventually lose the battle. Pornography is a work of the devil. It is addictive, your flesh will crave it, and it is designed to keep you weak spiritually. You will never be able to satisfy the desire for pornography because the desire is rooted in lust. Lust is unquenchable. Marriage does not cure lust. It cannot cure lust. Sex with your wife, girlfriend or boyfriend does not cure lust.
You must change your thinking. If you Change your thinking you can change your decisions. By changing your decisions, you can change your habits. Changing your habits will change your actions. Change your actions you can change your destiny!
The only thing you can do is fill yourself with the Word of God and Renew Your Mind daily. This is how you fight and this is how you win. If you never start fighting spiritually you will never defeat your flesh and you will remain in a battle with your flesh that you can't win. Discipline and will power will only take you so far but the Word of God will deliver you and bring you from Point A to Point B. God changes us and ultimately changes our behavior but it is a process. We just have to commit to being transformed. Transformed into God's image and God's likeness through the Word of God.
The battle is made for all of us to win but we (christian men) must choose to fight with the weapons God gave us. It's time to win!
Romans 12
1I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Brother Clarence