1. Man beats up Priest.
2. Bishop accused of sexual misconduct with teenage boys.
3. Bishop settles 25 million lawsuit with 5 young men accusing of sexual misconduct.
4. Pastor admits to affair with stripper.
5. Famous Pastor found dead in hotel room.
6. Pastor and minister of music fight, stabbed and tazzed at church.
7. High school band teacher (Minister of Music) found having sex in car with male student.
8. Youth Pastor charged with rape of teenage girl.
It is clear to me that life gives you unexpected turns and twist. Every man, woman and child born has to learn how to respond to certain setbacks and distractions. The last two weeks have not been easy for classmates and close friends. As I am typing now, a very close friend of mine has been rushed to the hospital. Of course, we have prayed and are waiting to hear a good report. Another high school classmate was killed last week and now his family is preparing to funeralize this great young black man. Unexpected life situations can affect all of us. But guess what, we are still here and we have to continue to push on and continue to live even when life does not seem fair or when things seems unbearable. But the fact remains, the headlines are not changing and the devil does not care if you are a christian or not. He is out to kill, steal and destroy.
One of the things none of us want to do is leave here untimely. Most of us want to live long and productive lives. Even though must of us share that sentiment, alot of us are distracted from doing what God wants us to do. A tragedy is to die without knowing the Lord and to be eternally lost. Another tragedy is for a christian to die without fulfilling the purpose they were sent here to do. Regardless of who you are, if you are a Christian you have been given a God given purpose to fulfill on this earth. If you have purpose to fulfill, you have something to do that the devil does not want you to accomplish. You have a enemy and he will do whatever necessary to keep you from discovering who you are in Christ. If you don't know who you are then you can't do what you are here to do.
How does the devil distract us? How does he keep us from fulfilling God -given purpose? Sin is one effective way satan uses to distract Christians. For men, let me be more specific. Pornography, lust, adultery,drugs and alcohol, uncontrolled anger are major distractions that hinder us. If you don't believe me, check the headlines that are affecting our Christian brothers and sisters.
1. Man beats up Priest.
2. Bishop accused of sexual misconduct with teenage boys.
3. Bishop settles 25 million lawsuit with 5 young men accusing of sexual misconduct.
4. Pastor admits to affair with stripper.
5. Famous Pastor found dead in hotel room.
6. Pastor and minister of music fight, stabbed and tased at church.
7. High school band teacher (Minister of Music) found having sex in car with male student.
8. Youth Pastor charged with rape of teenage girl.
9. So many, many, more..........
So, where does it leaves us. If we are here we still have opportunity. If we are here, we still have a voice. If we are still here, we have the power to make better decisions. We can all do better and better starts with You. The headlines are not changing- Why don't You!