Thursday, December 15, 2011

There's a Party going on and Your Invited!

     It's Friday baby and we are about to throwdown!  Party over here.  Now, get your house cleaned up.  Shampoo the rugs, clean the windows and dust around the crown molding and make sure everything is in perfect condition.  This is going to be the party of the year!  Guess what, it's at your house and we are coming to party with you. Now, get ready.  Put on your red dress and high heels.  Fellas, get your Kenneth Cole shoes out and your best swagg because its going down old school at your house.  It's on!
     Did I tell you, "I'm coming to your party too!" I know I haven't seen or been with you for a while but  I am anticipating the next time I  am in your presence.  I mean I can't wait to party with you.  I am so excited  I have been telling all my homeys about you. I got my homeys so  excited they decided
to come with me too.  We crashing the whole weekend baby!!!!  Now just between me and you, my friends are a little rowdy but I promise it will be a party you will never forget.
     Man, I been thinking.  You haven't called me lately. In a matter of fact, I  heard about your party from someone talking about you.  I heard you got a new house.  Got a new attitude and stopped hanging with me. You kinda stopped socializing with me like you too good or something.  The more I think about it, you startin to piss me off. Yeah, that's what I said.  You trying to act all holy or something like you better than me.  I knew you when you was smoking blunts and drinking Forties.  You make me wanna come over to your house and slap the ___________ out of you.  That's right. That"s how I role.  Matter of fact, when I see you I'm going to hug you then body slamm you to the floor because you ain't about nothing. Piece of dog mess is more like it.  Now open the door, Big daddy home!

Matthew 12: 43-45
43 “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. 44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.”

    For every christian that gives their life to Christ, this is what satan wants to do to you.  He comes back looking to make things like they use to be. He is so angry you left him, he brings more demons with him to make sure it's harder for you to live a new life.  Every time satan comes to your house he wants to piss all over you.  He want show up and say I'm satan,  satan will send a old boyfriend or girlfriend that had you hooked on sex.  satan will come back with friends that you clubbed with and did drugs with.  satan will bring the family members who live to hate and tell you all the gossip. satan's goal is to help you, "Remember your time in sin."
     To answer the question from yesterday, it takes more than giving your life to Christ to win. satan does not want you to stay swept and clean as the scripture says. That's how we are when we become Christians. Swept and clean but that is not enough. Iniquities (generational sins passed down) run wild when things are just "swept and clean." To live victoriously as a christian, you have to study, renew your mind, walk in love, pray and stay in the process of change. You have to remember satan hates you. If  you are IN Christ, you are an enemy to the devil. Christians have to be honest and real about the sins we like and participate in with God so that we can find  help to resist the party in our honor.
     When satan is threw with you, he'll be pissing on your rug at your new house telling you,  "Clean it up and do it fast; I got more friends to invite to your party." It's your choice if you let him in your house. satan will only bring more friends(demons) to your party and take over. satan will never play fair. he will use your emotions, friends, family members or anything he can to keep you off guard and inattentive to the things of God.  There's a party going on and your invited!

"Sometimes you have to tell it like it really is." Clarence

Brother Clarence Threatt III

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I was told I was like this.

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
 1Corinthians 13:11

     Have you ever been told, you are just like your daddy or mother and you realize that they did not say that as a compliment?  Or have been told,  you ain't never going to be nothing!  Alot of us have been told so many bad things that after hearing them time after time we began to believe what people say about us. We begin to act like who they said we resemble and we justify our behavior by accepting what they said and nurture negative behavior as who we really are.
    All of us have been told something negative about ourselves by friends, family members or peers. My question is, "Did you believe them?" If you believed them, do you believe them now?
     Okay, I did believe some of the things I was told.  I did do some of the things they said I would do but I grew up and my thought process changed. The scripture today speaks of maturing.  It encourages us to not be  in the same mindset we were as children. Not  anything deep this morning just a simple truth.  Growing up is good but growing into the nature of Christ is better.
     When we are born into the family of God by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we inherit the Nature and likeness of Christ.
 When we are born into this world, (your birthday) we inherited the nature of satan because of the fall of Adam and Eve. It is up to us to nourish the Nature of Christ or nurture the nature of satan.

5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
And in sin my mother conceived me. Psalm 51:5

      We have a choice. You don't have to be like your daddy or mother unless you want too.  We are free moral agents. WE HAVE A CHOICE.  Sometimes its difficult to overcome this because we are like our parents.   Iniquities (generational sins passed down)  in some cases have never been  dealt with.  Have you ever seen a family where all the girls get pregnant out of wedlock?  Have you ever seen a family where all the men are whores?  Have you ever seen a family where all the men have lives in and out of jail?  Have you seen a family where everybody had or has substance abuse issues? These are examples of sin iniquities that run wild in our family history.
     Good news!  If you are born again, iniquities don't have to rule you or your seed.  The blood of Jesus redeemed you from the curse of the law. (Galatians 3:13)  Jesus did everything for you to walk in victory over sin, sins stronghold, iniquities or whatever that may have you bound.  The question is, "Is being born again enough to walk free from sin and iniquities and stay free?"  I'll answer that question tomorrow.  Stay Tuned!

Brother Clarence Threatt


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Warning: God has detected a virus.

"Love suffers long and is kind, does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek it's own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

**********************High Priority Email***********************
*************Warning: God has detected a Virus*******************
****Attention all Christians. This is an important message from The ECN (Emergency Christian Network) It has been brought to our attention that Christians are being attacked with a harmful and in some cases deadly virus.  It attacks the heart and is a silent killer. Please be advised****

     Wouldn't it be great if we received messages or warnings every time we walked out of love with someone?  We'll I guess it depends on what kind of day we were having.  Believe me this is a #1 enemy of the state.  How easy is it to get offended?  How easy is it to retaliate and let them have it? How many of us operate in this kind of love that is mentioned in the scriptures today.  Love is the activator of our faith.  It is the common denominator of everything involving Christianity. The question remains, Is walking in love  a challenge for most Christians?  I believe so.
    The first thing a doctor will do once a virus has been detected is identify  where the virus is located. Once identified, the doctor can diagnose it and study the effects of the virus. When the diagnostics is complete, the doctor will try to isolate the virus so it can't spread any further.  He will  identify an antidote to nullify it attacks or stop it from ever spreading again.  In most cases, doctors and scientist develop antidotes to immune us from spreading the virus and to keep us from becoming victim to the affects of the virus. Warning: God has detected a virus. A spiritual virus.
    Well, the virus has been located.  In the hearts of many Christians, it has been identified by its overwhelming mark found in the homes of many Christians by signs of:cussing, yelling, door slamming and name calling. All are strong parameters to measure the virus is present. There also has been enough scientific evidence that shows that the virus starts with one person but soon affects the entire family.  Just like a virus that travels through the bloodstream; bitterness, resentment, anger, and calamity travel from one family member to another. It can consume all that come in contact. A spiritual  virus will hinder prayers from being answered or heard. Healings can be delayed, angels stopped from operating on our behalf  and block our access to heaven and God.  Sin separates us from God.  If I operate my life like this, I give satan permission to come in and out my life at his will.
     Some situations are more difficult to overcome and let go.  Some people are hurting by events and loved ones who wronged them.  Some of us have just been dogged out. How do I truly move forward when I hurt everyday? How do I control my anger when all I do is want to curse?  How do I forgive someone and not be bitter when they abused my love and took advantage of my trust?  How?  The answer, "only by faith."

     “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. Mark 11:25

     "I look at it like this, when and if I mess up, I need to be forgiven.  Bubba or whoever is not worth me not being forgiven."

     When you have been hurt you have a right to be mad. You have a right to be angry.  The bible says, "Be ye angry and sin not." Ephesians 4:26 It's okay to be angry but I can't hold on to it.  I can get mad but I have to let it go.  These are normal emotions that God gave all of us.  To ignore these God given emotions would be like saying we are not human. These emotions however, were never meant to lead and guide our decisions and lives like they do.  Now who do you think is using emotions as an excuse to keep you messed up. #could it be satan
     Anger is an emotion not a license to cut the fool. Your emotions were given to us by God to let us know if we have been treated fairly or to alert us of things that are not always right but we were never created to be emotionally ruled.
  God has provided a vaccine that cures all that are affected.  All we need to do is take our daily dose of our prescribed medicine (the Word of God).  That means sometimes I will have to shut my mouth and not get the last word in. I can't hold grudges against people that have hurt my feelings. I don't have to like them but I can't allow myself to harbor bad feelings in my heart. It destroys only you a little at a time.
    If you are a Christian, not walking in love is deadly.  satans goal is to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.  We can ignore the warnings and continue to live like we do or take heed because God has detected a virus and HE is sending you the antidote today.  Take your medicine saints

Brother Clarence Threatt III


Monday, December 12, 2011

Change is a Process not an event.

Romans 12:2
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

    My destiny is affected by my character.  My character is influenced by my habits.  My habits are influenced by my actions.  My actions are a direct result of my decisions.  My decisions are a result of my thinking.
     Lustful thoughts come to my mind all the time.  I am 40 years of age and I still have lustful thoughts.  Some of us don't want to admit to having problems with lust.  Lust is an unquenchable desire for the forbidden. Lust is an intense appetite based in selfishness to fulfill wrong thinking. It has been the most challenging sin for me to overcome because I enjoyed it so much.  Let's think about it.  I could lust and no one know about it.  I can lust for someone and they not know it.  I can lust for  someone or something that does not belong to me and no one ever knows but God.  As much as I don't like this, God always knows your hearts desire.  HE knows.  You have not fooled HIM.  God knows you are lusting. 
   Wow!  I'm going to be honest with you.  I had no idea I would be talking about lust with you. The Lord directed me to talk about this subject.  If HE is dealing with me, some of you are dealing with lust.  The danger of lust is; if you continue to meditate on the lustful thoughts, you soon will act on it.  When you act, it will become a habit.  My habits become my character and my character influences my destiny.  Yes, I know a little something about it because I was bound and in a never ending spiraling cycle of repetitive sin.  The difference today is that it is my past and not my now.  Praise God!!!  I changed.

     Change is a process.  Change is necessary for growth and personal development. So Clarence, after years of struggling with this sin, how did you change?  The truth is I changed but I did not change me, I was transformed by the Word of God and made whole in Christ Jesus.  Now that's the truth but it was a process that I even continue in today.  My flesh is my flesh and sometimes I still want to party like its 1999.  I want to relive my whorish days and have multiple sexual encounters.  Yes my flesh is a fool.  I don't trust my flesh.  I know what it (my flesh) can do.  So why would I play with it?  The difference is now I feed my spirit which is of God and like God with the Word of God in the areas that need to be changed.  I got honest with God and HE helped me change.
    Let's be real for a moment.  I was prayed for by elders of the church and I still sinned.  I had hands laid on me and still fornicated.  I was prophesied to be healed and delivered and I still watched pornography.  What's going to break the cycle? Its the Word of God and you being honest about your problems and HE will lead you out of that pit you are in.  It is a pit that satan has created for you because you yield to sin everyday and don't resist satan's attack.  Those lustful thoughts are attacks from satan to keep you in bondage. satan wants you to believe that you are the product of your habits and that you will never be able to overcome  those habits. God has called me today to tell you that the devil is a liar and you are not the sin that you do. You are HIS child and you have been called to holiness and righteousness in Christ Jesus and nothing is to hard for HIM.  Nothing!
    Now the practical side of this.   If you really want to be free. You have to get scriptures and tapes and books that will help you renew your mind.  That is exactly what the scripture is telling us.  Don't conform to this world but be renewed in your thinking.   How do you change your thinking?  Think something else. That something else is the Word of God.  The Word of God is powerful!

      "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."Hebrews 4:12

    This is God speaking through me today.  Don't settle in your sin and expect no victory to overcome it. Like Pastor Benny Hinn says, "Today is your day!"  You can do it!  You can win over sin!  You can make your life better! I did and God is no respecter of persons.
     Change is a process.  Change is not an event.  Its what you do everyday to work on yourself that draws you closer to God.  The key is once you take your eyes off of your problems, your sins, your bad habits and focus on God; you begin to think and talk like God and  you start acting like God. HE is Victorious in Everything!  Our God is the changer!  Our God is the healer! Our God is the deliverer!  Our God! Our God ! Our God!  Be Blessed!
*************TAKE YOUR MEDICINE**************************

Brother Clarence Threatt III


Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's Time for a Check Up!

"Father's provoke not your children to anger, less they be discouraged."
 Colossians 3:21

     My, my, my.  How important is our childhood?  How important are the lessons we learn about life during our childhoods?  I was asked to share a "thought for the day" with you this week.  I am very honored to share with you.  As I began to meditate, I began to get some clarity on how and what I would speak with you about.  So let me start off right now and say, my primary objective is not to motivate you.  My goal is not to excite you or even inspire you.  My mission is to challenge you to be the very best "You" you can ever be. Since you know my position and my purpose, let's get started!
    It is clear to me that people who are reading this are dealing secretly and some openly with their childhood or the choices they made as a child.  For me, I struggled for years from the mistakes, shame and yearning to be accepted and loved from my  "ever present absent father."  Little did I know, that I never separated from my childhood because I was still affected in my relationships. I related to people as a child who had been hurt although I am now a man. The scripture today is speaking to us who are fathers and parents and encourages us  to not destroy are kids. How many of us are still affected today by our childhood?  How many people are hurting because of a bad or non existence relationship with a parent mother or father? How many of us consciously and unconsciously create environments that are emotionally and physically destructive to your own seed?  Okay,  I hear you; Clarence why are you asking me questions when I am supposed to be inspired?  Have you ever thought that your kids may be asking the same questions?  Could it possibly be you are the "discourager" in your home?  Could it be the reason why you are so cold to your husband or wife is because of your relationship with your dad/ mother? Could it be that you might be apart of the problem instead of being apart of the solution?
     One of the most important things you can ever do is evaluate yourself.  There is nothing wrong with taking the time to look at yourself.  I can guarantee you this, if you are wondering why so and so acts like this and talks so ugly; could it be coming from you as a result of current or past sins? Could you be the reason? Just a checkup this morning.
     No, this is not condemnation time. The devil has done enough of beating you up.  No, this is not time to have a pity party. Pity is a faith destroyer and it will destroy you if you stay on it's course.  No, this is not time for you to make excuses. Excuses are dream killers.  This is not the time to play the blame game. You are only responsible for how you act and react to life's situatuions.  No, this is not the time for quilt. Guilt will keep you looking at your problems instead of  God who is the answer to your problem.  Take your medicine like an adult this morning and begin your process of change. Change is a process. It's time for a checkup!

  "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2. For the law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."
 Romans 8:1-2

***You have been prescribed  medication from your Doctor (Jesus). Please adhere to the instructions for this medication.  It is critical to your health.***

   Helpful Instructions: 
1. Don't let pride distract you today.  God wants you to be free from whatever hinders you.
2. God is only concerned about your character and not your reputation.  Character is who you really are when no one else is looking.
3.  Allow God a place  in your life to deal with the stuff that is not like the character of God and begin your process one day at a time. (Mental,emotional,or behavioral stuff) Begin today!
4.  God is waiting on all of us. We all have something that is not pleasing to God that we need to deal with.
5.  Be honest with God.  You can only be helped as much as you open the door to be helped.  

*** These instructions will only cause you to thrive, live in peace and prosper. Take instructions seriously.***

More to Come.........

Clarence Threatt IIII
Author and Family Strategists