By now, all of our kids are back in school. This year, let’s all be
positive influences in the lives of our family, kids, and neighbors.
We live in a negative society. They consistently boast about
negative statistics- How many kids drop out? How many are doing
drugs and so on. When we are born, we are equipped with
everything we need to succeed. From that moment of birth, satan
strategically begins to tell you that you are not equipped to win in
life. satan plants lies of deception, low self esteem, and insecurity
from birth and most of the time he uses the people closest to you. I had
so many negative images of myself as a child because my father spoke negative and destructive things over my life. My Mother
was the voice of praise, love and encouragement.
So many parents and relatives are voices of discouragement to their own family
and some never realize that their words bring life or death to their
children. So today, decide not be a negative person. Decide to be a
voice of optimism for your family. Be a positive influence in their life
because satan will use you before they get in the world to kill, steal, and
destroy if you allow him to do so. Don’t be a fool! Be that voice of
positive influence!
Death and life
are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat
its fruit
I call heaven and
earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life
and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life,
that both you and your descendants may live;
Brother Clarence