Friday, December 12, 2014

Get Excited About Jesus!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.



            This week we have discussed how to deal with difficult times.  There is no better way to shift your frustration and change your situation than to concentrate  on God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Personally, I have been dealing with some things that could have me down or depressed. I have been forced to go through a tough situation but….The Holy Spirit reminded me of this one thing.  “Get Excited About Jesus!”  That is what I heard.  I thought about it. Get Excited About Jesus!

  Get excited about Jesus because although I am dealing right now, I know whom I trust in  and I know I serve a God that cannot fail. Get excited about His saving grace.  I could have been killed years ago when I was carjacked at gunpoint but He spared my life through the Blood of His Protection. Get excited about Jesus because He is still alive and interceding for the saints! Get excited about Jesus because He loves me! He loved me at my worse.  He loved me at my best.  He loved me when I did not love myself! Get excited about Jesus! Get excited about Jesus!

Turn your situation into an opportunity to bless the Name of Jesus!  I promise you cannot continue to be down or even worried when you get excited about Jesus!  He has done so much already and He is still performing miracles today. He is Worthy To be Praised!


Excited About Jesus!

Brother Clarence


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Handling Difficult Times

Philippians  4

 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

                There is so much unrest in the world today. In our own country , protest are happening all across the United States of America.  Regardless where you stand or the position you take, we as Christians are not removed from the problems of the world. In fact, some Christians are the cause for some of the problems today.  However, the text today gives us insight on how to handle and approach life in difficult times.  The bible says, In Everything”  not some things  but in everything that we do , everything that we face; we should pray!  We are to approach God for the answers. Yes, we should be praying and we should be seeking the wisdom of God in every situation.  Do we always do that?

                Regardless of how you answered that question, today is an opportunity.  We can invite God into our lives and our personal affairs or we can continue to do things on our own.  I have learned it is much better  to include  God in your decisions.  I have had to learn to operate in patience and stay with God instead of leaning to my own understanding.  Trust me,  you will only be able to go so far  until you have to repent and get it right.  It is better to start with God in the beginning. He is more than able to guide us through difficult times.


Brother Clarence