Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows
Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
I, along with my family, watched the Wiz live last night. It was special
to us because it was one of the movies I introduced to them as children.
Last night, they all came into my bedroom and watched the movie with us.
My kids are teenagers now and it was truly a nice family moment.
If you know the story of the Wiz, the lead character Dorothy wants to go
back home and all she has to do to get there is believe. Believe!
My question for us this morning is , “What do you believe?” Do you
believe in Santa Claus? Do you believe in your Job? Do
you believe in the City Council? Do you believe in the Mayor? Do you
Believe in the Governor? Do you believe in state and federal
representatives and senators? Do you believe in the President?
Let’s make it more personal, “Do you believe in your paycheck?”
However you answer this question is your answer. I am not trying to
persuade your answer one bit. You can believe in whatever you want to
although I know that all of the above are subject to change. They all are
subject to man, position and power. The main question is, “ Do you
believe IN Christ?
Do you believe that He is
the Light of the World? Do you believe that He came to give us Life and
not only life but life more abundantly? Do you believe that HE is a
healer? Do you believe that He is a Protector? Do you believe that HE is
Peace? Do you believe that HE is a deliverer? Do you believe that
HE is a provider?
Do You
Believe In Christ? His Power? His Love? His redemption? His Cleansing?
His Strength? His Way? His Truth? His Life?
Jesus, I do believe! Santa Claus ain’t got nothing on
Brother Clarence