Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How Will You Fight

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls." Proverbs 26:28


                I have recently started watching an original show on the history channel called Vikings.  The Vikings are pagan people who prey on the innocent and they rob, steal and kill.  One episode the Vikings were inspiring to  attack and conquer Paris.  The main and only obstacle  for the Vikings was to penetrate the walls that surrounded the city.   They realized that if their raid was to be a success, it must  penetrate the wall around the city  to take the spoils and riches that belonged to the  King and people of France.

Whatever area in your life that is” without control” whether it is a habit, your tongue, or attitude; it is leaving you vulnerable.  The enemy is planning and calculating an attack.  He (satan) wants to  take all that you have and leave you with nothing.   So the question today is, “How is your House (spiritual)? “ “ Can you survive an attack? “ “Are you prepared to do battle with the pagans? “(the devil) .  

Take the time today to evaluate your defense.  What is your defense?  Are you using the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God  or cussing people out?  Do you have on the breastplate of righteousness or you see yourself through the eyes of your past habit or addiction?   Are your feet shod  with the preparation of the gospel or your quoting rap songs?     Do you have the shield of faith or are you speaking what you see? Are you praying with supplication or are you praying in doubt and fear?  Eph. 6:14

The enemy will attack!  How will you fight?  The scripture states, he that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down without walls.  Subject to attack!  Take this time to get ready and build your defense in God.  You might lose some battles but You will be victorious and win the war.  Let’s continue to work on those areas we know we need to improve .


Brother Clarence