Monday, October 24, 2016

The Same Jesus

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


            So many people in our country today are disturbed and upset about the Presidential election. I have seen this election bring out racism, anger, strife, and  divisions among friends .  I have seen arguments on social media and I myself have had to comment at times when I felt I had to address certain issues. People are very angry and relationships that were amicable are now stressed or nonexistent.

 Not many people are  happy about the choice whether Democratic or Republican.  Regardless of your choice, November 8th we will be electing  the 45th President of the United States,  Today it reminds me even more to consider the only true hope we have.  That  true Hope is Jesus.   He has never changed and He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

We serve a Living, True  God that is the same!  That is something to meditate on and get excited about! The world has changed.  Our leaders will change.  People will change but Our God is the Same!


Be Blessed

Brother Clarence