Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Your Authority as a Believer

     On Thursday, I sent out a urgent thought for today requesting prayers for a young man that is and was fighting for his life.  Not to relive the situation but he was pronounced dead.  The white sheet was pulled on over his head and the coroner was called. When I got the text from his sister, this is what I was told but she said he came back after being dead for four minutes. 
     I went to the Lord in prayer early in the morning.  I actually could not sleep so I began to pray.  In prayer I was given instructions.  He brought Matthew 18:18 to my attention and  I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Have faith In the Word of God. Start Prayer Chain."  That's all I heard.
Matthew 18:18
18 “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

     One  thing I have learned in this process is there is a time to pray and there is a time to use your authority.  As a believer I have authority.  God has given us authority to rule and reign on the earth and has given us authority over the angels.  In 1994, my sister Velda was in a car accident.  I have never seen anything that looked that much like death.  I remember my mother and I were the first family members to get to the hospital.  We walked in and there was nothing but death in our face.  We left the room and immediately we broke down in tears but we didn't stay in our tears.  We started saying she is going to live and the devil could not take her.  Without us knowing it or being consciously aware we were using our authority.  We were forbidding her to die.
    Saints, there are times you pray and there are times you use your authority.  For example, If you attend the Magic City Classic, one of the major issues is traffic.  The police enforce where you can and not go because they have been given the authority to tell us what to do.  Could you imagine a police officer not telling you where to go but he is praying  instead?  There would be mass confusion, accidents, fights, and probably a few shootings.  People would be doing anything and everything but because he uses his authority we don't have this type of mess.   God gave us his authority to bind (forbid) things on earth and in heaven and to loose(give permission) to things on earth and in heaven according to his will.   It is up to us to use it. Be blessed and go vote!
Brother Clarence

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