Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Making Your Decision Count

"" I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." Duet. 30:19
     I am going to be honest today and say that I have not always made the best decisions.  I had a history of doing impulsive and in the moment things.  How many can now say, that's not the way to make decisions?  I sure can.  I have learned and is still learning, that your decisions affect you and those who you are connected to.  The text today tells us the vision that God has for us and gives a lifeline to how we can measure all our current and future decisions.  I do believe that none of us want to repeat our bad decisions and we now want our current decisions to be good ones.  Today, using the scripture, lets look at some keys that can help all of us make our decisions count.

Keys to Making Good Decisions
1.  Always judge your decision from the Word of God.  (If what you are thinking of doing is contrary to God's Word it will not benefit you in the long run of life.)
2.  Seek Godly Counsel. ( Finding someone who is knowledgeable and stable minded always should validate your conscious.)
3.  Listen to the Voice of your Spirit ( That inner voice On the Inside is the Spirit of God.  It always lines up with the Word and never leads you astray.  The other voice is your flesh it will be contrary to the Word of God.)
4.  Don't go against your peace ( God has given every christian peace.  Peace is supernatural.  Peace guides and comforts in times of trouble and contention.  The peace of God is our weapon to help us make good decisions.)

     "Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee." Isaiah 26:3

     This final thought is mainly for the men.  "Just because she is fine does not mean she is mine."  That will help you if you apply this principle.

Brother Clarence
Author and Family Strategist


  1. Amen Brother Clarence, that's the key . Keeping our minds stayed on Jesus will keep us from doing a lot of wrong things that Satin tries to put in our hearts and minds to do. This great reading and Be Blessed!

  2. Thanks for responding and reading the blog. This is one I need to keep before me. As I stated, I was very impulsive so I know the grace I am under now to be in the position I am in now.
