Monday, December 12, 2011

Change is a Process not an event.

Romans 12:2
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

    My destiny is affected by my character.  My character is influenced by my habits.  My habits are influenced by my actions.  My actions are a direct result of my decisions.  My decisions are a result of my thinking.
     Lustful thoughts come to my mind all the time.  I am 40 years of age and I still have lustful thoughts.  Some of us don't want to admit to having problems with lust.  Lust is an unquenchable desire for the forbidden. Lust is an intense appetite based in selfishness to fulfill wrong thinking. It has been the most challenging sin for me to overcome because I enjoyed it so much.  Let's think about it.  I could lust and no one know about it.  I can lust for someone and they not know it.  I can lust for  someone or something that does not belong to me and no one ever knows but God.  As much as I don't like this, God always knows your hearts desire.  HE knows.  You have not fooled HIM.  God knows you are lusting. 
   Wow!  I'm going to be honest with you.  I had no idea I would be talking about lust with you. The Lord directed me to talk about this subject.  If HE is dealing with me, some of you are dealing with lust.  The danger of lust is; if you continue to meditate on the lustful thoughts, you soon will act on it.  When you act, it will become a habit.  My habits become my character and my character influences my destiny.  Yes, I know a little something about it because I was bound and in a never ending spiraling cycle of repetitive sin.  The difference today is that it is my past and not my now.  Praise God!!!  I changed.

     Change is a process.  Change is necessary for growth and personal development. So Clarence, after years of struggling with this sin, how did you change?  The truth is I changed but I did not change me, I was transformed by the Word of God and made whole in Christ Jesus.  Now that's the truth but it was a process that I even continue in today.  My flesh is my flesh and sometimes I still want to party like its 1999.  I want to relive my whorish days and have multiple sexual encounters.  Yes my flesh is a fool.  I don't trust my flesh.  I know what it (my flesh) can do.  So why would I play with it?  The difference is now I feed my spirit which is of God and like God with the Word of God in the areas that need to be changed.  I got honest with God and HE helped me change.
    Let's be real for a moment.  I was prayed for by elders of the church and I still sinned.  I had hands laid on me and still fornicated.  I was prophesied to be healed and delivered and I still watched pornography.  What's going to break the cycle? Its the Word of God and you being honest about your problems and HE will lead you out of that pit you are in.  It is a pit that satan has created for you because you yield to sin everyday and don't resist satan's attack.  Those lustful thoughts are attacks from satan to keep you in bondage. satan wants you to believe that you are the product of your habits and that you will never be able to overcome  those habits. God has called me today to tell you that the devil is a liar and you are not the sin that you do. You are HIS child and you have been called to holiness and righteousness in Christ Jesus and nothing is to hard for HIM.  Nothing!
    Now the practical side of this.   If you really want to be free. You have to get scriptures and tapes and books that will help you renew your mind.  That is exactly what the scripture is telling us.  Don't conform to this world but be renewed in your thinking.   How do you change your thinking?  Think something else. That something else is the Word of God.  The Word of God is powerful!

      "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."Hebrews 4:12

    This is God speaking through me today.  Don't settle in your sin and expect no victory to overcome it. Like Pastor Benny Hinn says, "Today is your day!"  You can do it!  You can win over sin!  You can make your life better! I did and God is no respecter of persons.
     Change is a process.  Change is not an event.  Its what you do everyday to work on yourself that draws you closer to God.  The key is once you take your eyes off of your problems, your sins, your bad habits and focus on God; you begin to think and talk like God and  you start acting like God. HE is Victorious in Everything!  Our God is the changer!  Our God is the healer! Our God is the deliverer!  Our God! Our God ! Our God!  Be Blessed!
*************TAKE YOUR MEDICINE**************************

Brother Clarence Threatt III


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