Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's Time for a Check Up!

"Father's provoke not your children to anger, less they be discouraged."
 Colossians 3:21

     My, my, my.  How important is our childhood?  How important are the lessons we learn about life during our childhoods?  I was asked to share a "thought for the day" with you this week.  I am very honored to share with you.  As I began to meditate, I began to get some clarity on how and what I would speak with you about.  So let me start off right now and say, my primary objective is not to motivate you.  My goal is not to excite you or even inspire you.  My mission is to challenge you to be the very best "You" you can ever be. Since you know my position and my purpose, let's get started!
    It is clear to me that people who are reading this are dealing secretly and some openly with their childhood or the choices they made as a child.  For me, I struggled for years from the mistakes, shame and yearning to be accepted and loved from my  "ever present absent father."  Little did I know, that I never separated from my childhood because I was still affected in my relationships. I related to people as a child who had been hurt although I am now a man. The scripture today is speaking to us who are fathers and parents and encourages us  to not destroy are kids. How many of us are still affected today by our childhood?  How many people are hurting because of a bad or non existence relationship with a parent mother or father? How many of us consciously and unconsciously create environments that are emotionally and physically destructive to your own seed?  Okay,  I hear you; Clarence why are you asking me questions when I am supposed to be inspired?  Have you ever thought that your kids may be asking the same questions?  Could it possibly be you are the "discourager" in your home?  Could it be the reason why you are so cold to your husband or wife is because of your relationship with your dad/ mother? Could it be that you might be apart of the problem instead of being apart of the solution?
     One of the most important things you can ever do is evaluate yourself.  There is nothing wrong with taking the time to look at yourself.  I can guarantee you this, if you are wondering why so and so acts like this and talks so ugly; could it be coming from you as a result of current or past sins? Could you be the reason? Just a checkup this morning.
     No, this is not condemnation time. The devil has done enough of beating you up.  No, this is not time to have a pity party. Pity is a faith destroyer and it will destroy you if you stay on it's course.  No, this is not time for you to make excuses. Excuses are dream killers.  This is not the time to play the blame game. You are only responsible for how you act and react to life's situatuions.  No, this is not the time for quilt. Guilt will keep you looking at your problems instead of  God who is the answer to your problem.  Take your medicine like an adult this morning and begin your process of change. Change is a process. It's time for a checkup!

  "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2. For the law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."
 Romans 8:1-2

***You have been prescribed  medication from your Doctor (Jesus). Please adhere to the instructions for this medication.  It is critical to your health.***

   Helpful Instructions: 
1. Don't let pride distract you today.  God wants you to be free from whatever hinders you.
2. God is only concerned about your character and not your reputation.  Character is who you really are when no one else is looking.
3.  Allow God a place  in your life to deal with the stuff that is not like the character of God and begin your process one day at a time. (Mental,emotional,or behavioral stuff) Begin today!
4.  God is waiting on all of us. We all have something that is not pleasing to God that we need to deal with.
5.  Be honest with God.  You can only be helped as much as you open the door to be helped.  

*** These instructions will only cause you to thrive, live in peace and prosper. Take instructions seriously.***

More to Come.........

Clarence Threatt IIII
Author and Family Strategists


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