Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Warning: God has detected a virus.

"Love suffers long and is kind, does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek it's own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

**********************High Priority Email***********************
*************Warning: God has detected a Virus*******************
****Attention all Christians. This is an important message from The ECN (Emergency Christian Network) It has been brought to our attention that Christians are being attacked with a harmful and in some cases deadly virus.  It attacks the heart and is a silent killer. Please be advised****

     Wouldn't it be great if we received messages or warnings every time we walked out of love with someone?  We'll I guess it depends on what kind of day we were having.  Believe me this is a #1 enemy of the state.  How easy is it to get offended?  How easy is it to retaliate and let them have it? How many of us operate in this kind of love that is mentioned in the scriptures today.  Love is the activator of our faith.  It is the common denominator of everything involving Christianity. The question remains, Is walking in love  a challenge for most Christians?  I believe so.
    The first thing a doctor will do once a virus has been detected is identify  where the virus is located. Once identified, the doctor can diagnose it and study the effects of the virus. When the diagnostics is complete, the doctor will try to isolate the virus so it can't spread any further.  He will  identify an antidote to nullify it attacks or stop it from ever spreading again.  In most cases, doctors and scientist develop antidotes to immune us from spreading the virus and to keep us from becoming victim to the affects of the virus. Warning: God has detected a virus. A spiritual virus.
    Well, the virus has been located.  In the hearts of many Christians, it has been identified by its overwhelming mark found in the homes of many Christians by signs of:cussing, yelling, door slamming and name calling. All are strong parameters to measure the virus is present. There also has been enough scientific evidence that shows that the virus starts with one person but soon affects the entire family.  Just like a virus that travels through the bloodstream; bitterness, resentment, anger, and calamity travel from one family member to another. It can consume all that come in contact. A spiritual  virus will hinder prayers from being answered or heard. Healings can be delayed, angels stopped from operating on our behalf  and block our access to heaven and God.  Sin separates us from God.  If I operate my life like this, I give satan permission to come in and out my life at his will.
     Some situations are more difficult to overcome and let go.  Some people are hurting by events and loved ones who wronged them.  Some of us have just been dogged out. How do I truly move forward when I hurt everyday? How do I control my anger when all I do is want to curse?  How do I forgive someone and not be bitter when they abused my love and took advantage of my trust?  How?  The answer, "only by faith."

     “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. Mark 11:25

     "I look at it like this, when and if I mess up, I need to be forgiven.  Bubba or whoever is not worth me not being forgiven."

     When you have been hurt you have a right to be mad. You have a right to be angry.  The bible says, "Be ye angry and sin not." Ephesians 4:26 It's okay to be angry but I can't hold on to it.  I can get mad but I have to let it go.  These are normal emotions that God gave all of us.  To ignore these God given emotions would be like saying we are not human. These emotions however, were never meant to lead and guide our decisions and lives like they do.  Now who do you think is using emotions as an excuse to keep you messed up. #could it be satan
     Anger is an emotion not a license to cut the fool. Your emotions were given to us by God to let us know if we have been treated fairly or to alert us of things that are not always right but we were never created to be emotionally ruled.
  God has provided a vaccine that cures all that are affected.  All we need to do is take our daily dose of our prescribed medicine (the Word of God).  That means sometimes I will have to shut my mouth and not get the last word in. I can't hold grudges against people that have hurt my feelings. I don't have to like them but I can't allow myself to harbor bad feelings in my heart. It destroys only you a little at a time.
    If you are a Christian, not walking in love is deadly.  satans goal is to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.  We can ignore the warnings and continue to live like we do or take heed because God has detected a virus and HE is sending you the antidote today.  Take your medicine saints

Brother Clarence Threatt III
email: clarence@godlyking.com
website: www.godlyking.com
blog: www.godlykings.blogspot.com


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